Friday, September 20, 2024

News Reports

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in August 2015

Indian MSM has erred on 25 counts in August 2015

Government doesn’t choose films to be sent to Oscar, but journalists whine on Twitter

A rumor spread by some vested interests was taken as true by journalists and used as a propaganda against the government.

Tracking the Indo-Pak NSA talks and how Indian MSM seemed bent towards Pakistan

Pakistan was cornered and some in Indian MSM came to its rescue.

The Reason behind why Vadra is still on ‘No-frisking list’ & why he may lose the status soon

Why is it taking so long to remove the name of Robert Vadra from the no-frisking lists at airports

Will this issue be the next OROP for BJP?

The mess that Congress has made in earstwhile Andhra Pradesh can be another OROP for BJP

Three women, three incidents, one message – sexist attacks are not exclusive to any group

Females in India will be used as political and social tools till we do not remove our double face

Indian Meteorological Department – What to make of them?

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) is one of those departments where the government needs to invest more with the latest technologies and equipments.

Here are your three enemies who don’t want you to watch porn online

Some PIL activists, a clueless government, and some strict archaic laws - deadly combo of three that won't allow you to watch porn.

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in July 2015

Indian MSM has erred on 27 counts in July 2015

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