Friday, October 18, 2024


8 people who have been disillusioned with Arvind Kejriwal

Arvind Kejriwal may say he has the support of all, but he has seen many friends who have turned foes in the recent past

Kiran Bedi: Master-stroke or Misstep?

Amit Shah's gambit to pitch Kiran Bedi as BJP's face against Kejriwal may seem to be a master-stroke from the tactical genius, but are there undercurrents which may affect BJP adversely?

With leaders like Ashutosh, who needs Opposition

Ashutosh and his faux pas on Twitter

10 Things you should know about Leela Samson

A sordid past of CBFC chairperson Leela Samson who is trying to create a scene by resigning over a non-issue

10 Tweets Kiran Bedi should have deleted before “U-Turning” into BJP

Ten tweets which might embarrass BJP's newest member Kiran Bedi.

Competitive Copulation: All Religions want more kids

For every Sakshi Maharaj "have 4 kids" statement, you will find similar statements from other religious leaders, but sadly, no one gives them the spotlight they deserve.

What kind of Modi fan are you?

To Left-Liberals, Modi fans are all BJPTards or ModiTards, but we realise that there are quite a few different species of Modi fans. Which one are you?

Is Congress the B-Team of BJP In Delhi?

Sheila Dikshit extending support to AAP, may seems like a deal between AAP and Congress, but is there more to it that what meets the eye?

This man thinks he’s enemy number 1 of RSS and BJP

Are RSS and BJP be stalking this young youth? He certainly thinks so, and even produces some "proof"!

Minimum Government – Are we getting there?

How far has the Modi Government been able to deliver on the promise of "Minimum Government, Maximum Governance"?

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