Saturday, September 21, 2024

Archives of OpIndia

Is Nehru’s ‘Bose is a War Criminal” letter fake? – what the Declassified documents say

Even though it's part of declassified files, Congress claims the letter is fake.

Rohith’s father blows the lid over his caste, says his son was “murdered”, attacks vulture politics

Massive twist to Rohit Vemula "Dalit" "Suicide" case as the father speaks up on various issues

Dalit Politics in light of Rohith Vemula’s suicide

Why the oppressed narrative is here to stay

Rohith’s suicide note: What the leftists don’t want to read

A tragic end to a promising life, thanks to student politics.

19 January 1990: The dark day of Kashmir which will haunt us for decades

19 January 1990 will keep reminding us how a democratic system which boasts about secularism failed miserably

All you need to know about StartUp India: Opportunities and Concerns

StartUp India, an ambitious move in the right direction

Rahul Gandhi’s comeback: Fail speech and inconvenience to Mumbaikars

Rahul Gandhi inconveniences Mumbaikars on his comeback

Our apologists made a romantic hero out of a cold-blooded terrorist, yet again

Masood Azhar finds sympathizers and apologists in India.

The making of a terror apologist; A tribute to the practitioners of this art

A terror apology needs its author to be highly accomplished to be able to pull it off a credible piece. Very challenging vocation, indeed!

Who is behind the Twitter handle Adarsh Liberal?

Adarsh Liberal has become an online legend

Kiku Sharda is arrested for mimicking Gurmeet Ram Rahim. Time to reconsider 295A

Kiku Sharda is arrested for mimicking Gurmeet Ram Rahim.

The anatomy of a farce; the Odd Even plan of Delhi

The Odd-Even plan is a farce from inception

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Modi – Speak Up Sir!

Modi needs to get his communication mojo back

A liberal’s reaction to Malda and how Indian “Liberals” have hurt Muslims

In Malda, thousands (or lakhs) of people attacked Hindu places of worship, police stations, buses, cars, but our "liberal" media defended the event by calling them "protesters".

The Top Media Lies of the year 2015

The biggest lies you were fed during the year 2015, a round-up

Opposition to Jallikattu is full of contradictions; find out which double standard you’re using

The articles raises the hypocrisy in our empathy towards animals and our selective outrage towards cruelty.

Malda communal violence: Silence, Spin and Lies is all we get from the media

Double standards when it comes to different religions.

This driver saw an accident, and he did what most of us won’t

I didn't expect that my interaction with a cab driver will leave an ever-lasting impact on me.

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in December 2015

Big Lies: 1. 9 December 2015: Zee News - Where's the Indian Flag at Sushma Swaraj-Nawaz Sharif Meet in Islamabad In an attempt to blindly follow...

How the national media acted like clueless idiots over a picture of crowded Rajiv Chowk

National Media was clueless about the featured image used by them. To hide their incompetence, they made it a political story.

How Indian media covered the Pathankot attack

Indian media sunk to a new low during Pathankot Operations

During Pathankot siege, Narendra Modi and Parrikar had their Shivraj Patil moment

Another optics fail by Modi Government, this time during terror activities

“First Day First Show”: Did Odd-Even work? and how Media played its part

Call it a novel idea, call it "Tughlaq-esque", Delhi's Odd-Even plan caught the eye of many in India and most on social media. One...

Inspirational stories of 2015 which could reach to us only due to the social media

In 2015, Social Media also acted as a medium to carry and spread inspirational stories which would have lost otherwise

2015 Review: The Must read pieces of the year gone by

The best of 2015 all at one place

2015 Rewind: The times when Journalists got trolled by Twitterati

All the best trolling journalists got in 2015

Jungle Raj appears to be returning in Bihar, but the media is not yet alarmed

The rise of crime in Bihar is posing danger to Bihar, but the silence of national media is even more concerning.

May the facts be with you – How a fake news about Star Wars fooled our media

Indian media falls for another satire piece and publishes it as real news.

The legitimacy of AppWapsi and Boycott Dilwale protests

Public discourse in India might have seen a watershed moment thanks to these apparent silly movements

Paradigm Shift at Nairobi WTO Ministerial Talks

A report on the WTO talks, beyond hashtags

By eating mid-day meal prepared by a barred widow, DM sets an excellent example

How a District Magistrate reinstated lost social status of a widow in Gopalganj district of Bihar

Dear Shashi Tharoor, here is the real war that is destroying India’s reputation

Shashi Tharoor claims that Narendra Modi is at war with pluralism, but truth is something else.

Stop being presstitutes – a reply to a journalist’s “plea”

A rebuttal to an article published on website

9 reasons why Arvind Kejriwal needs to see a shrink

Arvind Kejriwal showing the tell-tale signs of a person who has lost his balance

India’s first Bullet Train: History, facts and numbers

Bullet Train in India is a win-win situation

CBI raids Arvind Kejriwal’s secretary: The History and where Kejriwal fails

Arvind Kejriwal stands on weak ground so far as case against his principal secretary is concerned.

Why India is not a secular state

The laws and practices of India show that "secularism" followed in India is a farce.

Chandan Mitra’s bigger sin: Slamming Twitterati or falling in Barkha’s trap?

Dr Mitra's comments on Twitter users are uncalled for, but he was smartly set up for that by Barkha Dutt.

Government’s Gold schemes and whether they are a threat to Gold in Temples

The chances of the government “taking away the temple gold by deceit” are overstated and border on paranoia.

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in November 2015

Big Lies 1. 27 November 2015: IndiaTimes - Prime Minister Narendra Modi Caught Sleeping During Parliament Session We had written on this in more detail here. Indiatimes...

“Rising intolerance” of another kind; privilege motion against BJD MP Jay Panda for his opinions

MPs belonging to the “tolerant” parties have filed a privilege motion against Mr. Panda for his views on powers of Rajya Sabha.

R Jagannathan on why he removed his article on Arun Jaitley and his new innings with Swarajya

Former Editor-in-Chief of Firstpost talks about the past controversies and future plans of Swarajya.

Actor Piyush Mishra rejects “growing intolerance” clamor, blames left for maligning Hindus

Mishra said that communal divide had always existed in the country and everyone, including Congress and Left, had only worked to widen it.

As PM Modi talks ‘Climate Justice’ in Paris, Jairam Ramesh denigrates India’s position in COP21

Calls India moralistic, argumentative and regressive in an interview with New York Times

Media Apathy towards Chennai Floods

Media's response to #ChennaiFloods, Apathy to Incompetence

Series | Decoding Indian Belief Systems: Does Hinduism believe in one God or 33 crore Gods?

While the texts might have meant 33 Supreme Gods (including elements of nature and the abstract aspects of the self), they have been lost in translation and many Indians since then believe that Hinduism has 33 crore Gods.

National Anthem row: petty fight between two individuals hyped by TV and social media

Media and Social Media spiced up a small fight between two groups as a national issue without verifying facts or full story.