Saturday, September 21, 2024

Archives of OpIndia

National Anthem row: petty fight between two individuals hyped by TV and social media

Media and Social Media spiced up a small fight between two groups as a national issue without verifying facts or full story.

Newspaper draws piggy bank to show ISIS funding, Muslim groups attack it as pig is “unislamic”

Marathi newspaper Lokmat wrote an article on how ISIS receives funding. It received attacks and an FIR.

“Tolerant” people force Literature Festival organizer to quit as they didn’t like his views

Writers calling themselves as “liberals” and “tolerant” force Vikram Sampath, Founder Director of Bangalore Literature Festival, to quit.

An appraisal discussion amid growing intolerance

A satirical appraisal of Intolerance in India

Raveena Tandon threatened and abused by Journalists and Trolls

Intolerance to opposing views is rising in India

Shramdaan for Swachh Bharat: A Citizen’s Initiative (23-25 November)

Group of individuals are planning to unite, collaborate and clean more than 35 cities of India. Social Media is playing a vital role in such initiatives.

Arvind Kejriwal hugged Lalu Yadav, social media made a sweet deal out of it

Social media suddenly became very creative and funny after they saw Arvind Kejriwal hugging Lalu Prasad Yadav

Madrassas are a threat to liberty: Tufail Ahmad at India Ideas Conclave 2015

Tufail Ahmad argues that Indian Muslims can't be reformed unless they reject Madrssas and provide education of science and mathematics to their kids

From Dadri to Haryana to Manipur, how stories about crimes against Dalits and Minorities have panned out

Just like "Church attacks" the initial stories of attacks on dalits and minorities are fizzling out

Pakistan is the original “Islamic State”, much before ISIS: Tarek Fatah at India Ideas Conclave 2015

Tarek Fatah tears into the Idea of Pakistan - an idea that is incompatible with modern democracy.

A JNU student speaks: I hope one day my Alma Mater stops being “a communist hell-hole”

Stories from JNU reveal what the university has become.

Does Smriti Irani’s HRD ministry have plans to regulate private IIT coaching centres?

When deliberations become recommendations and recommendations become HRD Ministry plans

Anti-Modi group refuses to apologize for distorting “Om” into Nazi symbol

Instead of offering apology or expressing regret, the group says that “the image was chosen carefully and deliberately”.

Series | Decoding Indian Belief Systems: Is this world just a dream?

The purpose of the lives of the Indian philosophers was the exploration of the eternal truth. And the eternal truth was not to be found in the world outside, but the world within.

The elitist side of the firecracker debate

Every Diwali, the debate on firecracker ban is resurrected

“Why, How, and When” of the successful #MarchForIndia

#MarchForIndia received a huge response. People deliberately tried to malign the whole event by going against the ideologies they stand for.

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in October 2015

There have been 23 media lies in October 2015

Introducing discussion forums for readers launches discussion forums for its readers. Just register with an email and start the debate.

Hindus’ freedom from intolerance : A reply to the news peddlers of the West

When Hindus started recognizing their identity, the Western media became quick to brand them intolerant

Modi Wave – the double edged sword of BJP

It is imperative for BJP to rethink their strategy on putting Modi ahead for every State elections and local body elections, as the only face of BJP

Long list of authors, artists and scientists who have slammed Award Wapsee

A list of all the eminent people who have slammed award wapsee

Modi must wake up and smell the narratives

The Man Who Lives By The Narrative...

A response to Aakar Patel’s “call to action” to Bollywood

Aakar Patel writes sans logic and facts, again.

Scientists slam Award Wapsee, call it a mere “show”

Award Wapsee is drawing criticism from Scientists

Intolerance in Modi’s India: Reading an Adarsh Liberal’s mind

An Adarsh Liberal laments the state of affairs in India under Modi.

The Horrendous Communication Strategy of “Modi Sarkar“

The Government must act on its failed communication policy

When Mahatma Gandhi mediated a debate over whether Vedic Hindus ate beef

The debate over whether beef eating was allowed as per Vedas, is almost a century old.

But Rajdeep Sardesai you are wrong. Again

Rajdeep Sardesai once again reveals his hypocrisy

Ashok Chakradhar hits out at award returnees, asks them to see through TRP game and politics

Chakradhar has questioned the wisdom of those who are taking this route to protest against the claimed issues of tolerance and free speech.

Series | Decoding Indian Belief Systems: Circle versus Line

The major difference between the Western and the Eastern thought is on how they view life: as a line or as a circle

Journalist and old friend of Sanjiv Bhatt asks: Did you use me Sanjiv Sahab?

A journalist feels betrayed by former Gujarat IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt. Read his first hand account of what happened.

Meet your Sahitya Akademi Award Returnees

A deeper look into the backgrounds of some writers who returned their Sahitya Akademi awards

Two sides to the coin which is flung in Dance Bars

There are two sides to the Dance Bars argument

Did a BJP leader own a meat factory, or was he even a BJP leader? A fact check on media reports

Blatant untruths and hiding inconvenient facts has become standard practice for media

Digital India could create a problem for Swacch Bharat

e-Waste can be a huge by-product of Digital India and without adequate measures may interfere with Swacch Bharat

Modi’s clothing subjected to another hit-job by Indian media

Indian media: reporting on banalities and that too without accuracy

Dear Media, attack the PM for the right reasons

A reminder to the media on what its role should be

With Sahitya Akademi award controversy, Nayantara Sahgal exposes another case of selective outrage

Nayantara Sahgal was fine with the "Idea of India" when Sikhs were butchered, and when Kashmiri Pandits were thrown out?

Smriti Irani takes to Twitter to call out Media spin

The Hindu caught spinning by HRD Minister

Indian Media is the new fringe?

Does India Media want communal riots to happen? What explains their acidic agenda?

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in September 2015

Media has told 24 lies in September 2015

The Dadri death has killed a bit of hope in our minds too

Commentaries given by many BJP leaders on the Dadri type even are shaking the faith in the organization

Sorry Rahul Gandhi, the various claims about your whereabouts don’t add up

Rahul Gandhi is missing and his alibi doesn't seem to hold ground