Thursday, September 19, 2024

Archives of OpIndia

Terrorist caught wearing skullcap, What should Indian media do now?

A simple solution to stop stereotyping when news reports are not as politically correct as you would like.

Top 10 lies spread by the Indian media in 2014

Ten stories in Mainstream Media in 2014 which you thought were true but could be easily classified as Faking News.

2014, the year ‘liberals’ lost their marbles

It was just another year, it was just another elections, but the "liberals" lost their marbles, because things didn't turn out the way they wanted.

AAP could win Delhi elections. 2015 not bringing Achchhe Din for BJP?

The residents of Delhi appear to be in favor of selecting a non-BJP government in the state. Advantage AAP for 2015?

Who is reducing Muslims to mere skullcaps? Communals or Seculars?

While a government could avoid taking steps that may stereotype a community, liberals are doing everything to strengthen some stereotypes.

Government blocks 32 sites using Sec 69A of the IT Act: What did we learn

Three key takeaways after the government used the IT Act and blocked 32 websites because of pro-ISIS content on them.

Dear BJP, take Kapil Sibal in your government if you love his policies so much

Section 69A is another dangerous provision in the IT Act, which has now been invoked to block some content sharing sites like DailyMotion.

Oh, the secular rush to prove that Hindus are behind every crime!

There is a special rush among secular-liberal crowd to claim that Hindus indulge in false-flag operations to blame Muslims.

Protests over PK is worrying, but we should have been worried over these too

A movie critical of Congress was almost killed by the UPA government appointed Censor Board chief. The post has always indulged in such irrational censoring while our liberals have looked the other way.

Violent protests by Bajrang Dal and VHP against PK: Match Fixing?

Theaters are being attacked by alleged Bajrang Dal and VHP activists. Is it a genuine case of protest or is there something more to it?

How the Government swung the GST Act around

What it took the BJP Government to build a consensus around the GST bill by taking all states on board

Nehru admirer expresses disgust at Madan Mohan Malviya awarded Bharat Ratna

Ramchandra Guha expressed disappointment and disgust at the decision to award Bharat Ratna to Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya.

Dear Hindus outraging at PK, look what babas are doing. They are converting Hindus to Christians!

Christian missionaries lure babas to join them, after which babas preach the gospel and message of Jesus Christ to their Hindu followers.

Cartoon: How secular-liberal Hindus see religious-cultural Hindus

The cartoon captures the essence of the attitude so-called secular-liberal Hindus have towards the religious-cultural Hindu.

AAP resorting to lies and fabrication to win Delhi assembly elections?

AAP has been found using fake posters to create confusion and misinformation among voters - a crime they accuse BJP of doing.

Did news channels fabricate live data on election counting day to push up TRPs?

TV news channels were suspected of projecting limited data on wider number of seats to fool viewers into believing that they were the fastest.

Calling PK anti-Hindu is stupid; Hindus don’t need to turn so touchy!

Protesting against a Bollywood movie is the last thing one may do when the Hindu community is up against so many challenges.

Internet Hindus come together to help Pakistani Hindus

A group of Internet Hindus decided to help a group of Pakistani Hindus who have been battling cold weather and cold attitude of Indian authorities in Delhi.

This is why Times of India is pro-Congress, Jain brothers owe their wealth to Gandhis

Sahu-Jain family, which owns the Times Group, have been given huge favors by Indira Gandhi and Congress governments.

BJP to give tickets to party loyalists popular on social media

Central leadership of BJP has asked its state unit in Delhi to give tickets to those persons who are active and popular on social media.

ISIS supporting Indian Muslim @ShamiWitness had predicted Islamist attack on Australia

@ShamiWitness had predicted that Australia will soon see its radicalized Muslim citizens taking revenge against the government.

Former editor of The Hindu believes Pakistan has a ‘Right to Retaliate’

As editor of The Hindu, Varadrajan had got the newspaper publish a report that virtually justified beheadings of Indian soldiers by Pakistani Army.

AAP infiltrated by Khalistani separatists? Why is Arvind Kejriwal silent?

A photograph shows Jarnail Singh, an AAP leader who was party candidate in general elections, addressing a rally of Khalistan supporters.

Is #ShamiWitness incident a deliberate attempt to put India on ISIS priority map?

Al Qaida has already announced an Indian arm, and now with ISIS focusing on India, it could be music to Pakistani and Kashmiri separatist ears.

Shahi Imam publicly calls for Love Jihad, Indian media doesn’t report it

Shahi Imam has accepted something with outspoken honesty, which others have been dishonestly denying.

Pro-ISIS Indian Muslim starts getting support from the liberal crowd

Modus operandi is similar to the one adopted in Ishrat Jahan case, where a Lashkar affiliated terrorist was painted as innocent college going girl.

Dawood Ibrahim could have been killed, but his friends in Congress saved him?

RAW, in association with security agencies of Israel, had finalized a plan to kill Dawood Ibrahim in 2013, but the plan was aborted.

Indian Muslim operating pro-ISIS Twitter account all set to play victim card

Islamists often use Media and Human Rights activists to obfuscate facts and conceal the truth. Mehdi Masroor Biswas could be doing the same.

Times of India makes a Shia-Sunni riot appear like a Hindu-Muslim riot

Indian media is known to report communal violence in a way that Hindus always appear oppressors, but now they are aiming to reach new levels.

Indian Man named ‘Mehdi Masroor’ found operating popular Twitter account supporting ISIS

The youth – apparently named Mehdi Masroor – works as an executive in some Indian conglomerate and had been living a dual life.

What kinds of people glorify someone like Nathuram Godse? Respected poets!

How would the liberals treat someone who calls Nathuram Godse a martyr and justifies his act of murder? Urdu poet Iqbal did just that!

BJP supporters on social media getting disillusioned with the party?

Are BJP supporters on social media losing patience with the party? Could it hurt party’s electoral prospects?

Manusmriti could be horrible, but these left-liberal liars are more horrible

How the so-called liberals fabricate facts to suit their agenda. This incident involving Kavita Krishnan and Anand Patwardhan proves it.

News and current affairs website launched

An introduction to news and current affairs website, which also is its first published news report.