Friday, September 20, 2024

Archives of OpIndia

Times of India makes a Shia-Sunni riot appear like a Hindu-Muslim riot

Indian media is known to report communal violence in a way that Hindus always appear oppressors, but now they are aiming to reach new levels.

Indian Man named ‘Mehdi Masroor’ found operating popular Twitter account supporting ISIS

The youth – apparently named Mehdi Masroor – works as an executive in some Indian conglomerate and had been living a dual life.

What kinds of people glorify someone like Nathuram Godse? Respected poets!

How would the liberals treat someone who calls Nathuram Godse a martyr and justifies his act of murder? Urdu poet Iqbal did just that!

BJP supporters on social media getting disillusioned with the party?

Are BJP supporters on social media losing patience with the party? Could it hurt party’s electoral prospects?

Manusmriti could be horrible, but these left-liberal liars are more horrible

How the so-called liberals fabricate facts to suit their agenda. This incident involving Kavita Krishnan and Anand Patwardhan proves it.

News and current affairs website launched

An introduction to news and current affairs website, which also is its first published news report.