Sunday, September 8, 2024



Burning cargo ship carrying thousands of Porsches, Audis and Bentleys goes adrift in Atlantic ocean

Felicity Ace, a ship carrying thousands of luxury vehicles drifted off the coast of the Azores after catching fire on Thursday.

The Atlantic, Caravan Magazine columnist goes hysterical, calls Indian diaspora ‘termites’ over ‘Hindu homeland’ rant

Vidya Krishnan, columnist with The Atlantic and Caravan Magazine, goes on hysterical rant against Indian diaspora, calls them 'termites'

Meet Vidya Krishnan: A ‘health journalist’ who is more interested in playing politics than reporting on healthcare

With the advent of the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic, one journalist has suddenly shot to fame from relative obscurity. The name of the journalist is Vidya Krishnan.

Global liberal elite moves to ‘criminalize’ the word Bharat

Facing the brunt this time is the word “Bharat,” which is sought to be declared “exclusionary.” The reasons given include Bharat being a Sanskrit term and Bharat being the word used for India in Indian languages.

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