Thursday, September 19, 2024


Bangladesh anti-Hindu violence

Maharashtra: Tensions in Nashik, Jalgaon after Muslim mobs pelt stones, go on a rampage against protests against persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh

Protests carried out by Sakal Hindu Samaj to denounce attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh encountered resistance and lead to face-off and stone-pelting.

As Hindus get slaughtered in Bangladesh, Al Jazeera’s insidious narrative is about to die under the watch of the world’s largest democracy

As Hindus gets slaughtered in Bangladesh, Qatar funded Al Jazeera attempted to discredit the persecution by crying Islamophobia

‘Islamists attacking and killing Hindus in Bangladesh because India is Hindu majority’: This is what the New Yorker would like us to believe

Downplaying the anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh, The New Yorker’s reporter Isaac Chotiner said that there are ‘fears’ that Hindus have been targeted in this ‘revolution. This comes despite the fact that more than 205 attacks on Hindus by Islamist mobs have been reported.

Ongoing ethnic cleansing in Bangladesh: How a Hindu woman was gang-raped after a mob of 35 broke into her house, her family returned only...

The victim could not identify her perpetrators since their faces were covered. At that time, her husband was undergoing treatment at a hospital in Khulna.

ABC passes off anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh as ‘politically motivated’, accuses Indian media of ‘inflaming anxieties’ by reporting Islamist attacks on Hindus

ABC and several other media outlets are shrewdly trying to establish an apocryphal narrative that Hindus in Bangladesh are being persecuted not for their religious identity but for the alleged support for Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League.

‘Radicals are targeting Hindu minorities’: Republican leader Vivek Ramaswamy condemns anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh

While the denouncement of the ongoing violence against Hindus in Bangladesh is appreciated, Vivek Ramaswamy missed some crucial points in his post. The 2024 anti-quota protests led by students were never anti-government protests since it was the Sheikh Hasina-led government which scrapped the quota for government jobs.

‘Bangladesh cannot have a state religion’: Thousands protest in Paris over anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh

The demonstrators in Paris asked the interim Bangladesh govt to punish the culprits and provide appropriate compensation to the minority Hindu victims.

22 years, 470+ temples destroyed, properties damaged, Hindus displaced, raped and killed: How Hindu community has been under target in Bangladesh

Since 2001, 22 years, 470+ temples destroyed, properties damaged, Hindus displaced, raped and killed in Bangladesh.

US embassy warns Americans against travelling to Bangladesh, quietly removes references to Muhammad Yunus and attacks on minorities from tweet

The embassy had intiially warned US citizens about Bangladesh's deteriorating law and order situation amid the formation of a new interim government under US asset Muhammad Yunus.

Bangladesh: Hindus jump into a well to escape rampaging Islamist rioters during an attack at Meherpur ISKCON Temple, rescued later

The Islamists who attacked the temple on 5th August burned the Hindu scriptures, vandalized the Hindu idols, and forced the Hindu devotees and priests to run for their lives. Amid the chaos, those who could not escape from the temple during the attack escaped the rioters by jumping into the well.

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