Sunday, September 8, 2024


Business standard

Union Agricultural Minister lists the steps taken by Modi government towards welfare of farmers

Radha Mohan Singh elaborated on the achievements of the NDA government and the steps taken to improve the affairs of the agricultural sector.

Business Standard withdraws article after OpIndia fact-check, when will others show the same ethics?

Business Standard withdraws its story after OpIndia fact-check, however, we are far from this becoming the ethical norm in the media space

How Business Standard misused Google Trends data to show Rahul ahead of Modi

Only with a careful list of filters, I was finally able to get Rahul Gandhi to move ahead of Narendra Modi in Google Trends

Business Standard article on Coal auction revenues ‘falling short’ is sensationalist and poorly argued spoke to sources in the Ministry and got a clear picture

See how Twitter reacted to Business Standard’s ‘Kanwariyas are jobless’ insinuation

Business Standard's tweet saw many reactions that called out it's biased attempt at narrative building

Business Standard writes editorial attacking PM Modi based on completely fake news

Business Standard knowingly or unknowingly failed to carry out a basic fact check

CBI denies confirming rape charges against Kuldeep Sengar, media spreads fake news again

the CBI has denied any such confirmation in the case and has stated that the media reports are based on pure speculation

Fact Check: Did Justice Lodha slam the Loya verdict?

Why did Business Standard mention something in a headline that was not true at all

Will petrol pumps now be closed every Sunday to realize PM Modi’s vision?

What to make of news reports about petrol pump shutdown on Sundays

Top 10 lies spread by the Indian media in 2014

Ten stories in Mainstream Media in 2014 which you thought were true but could be easily classified as Faking News.

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