Sunday, September 8, 2024



Why the Indian journalists are the modern ‘manuvadis’ of the intellectual caste system

Power which a section of media has enjoyed in India can be compared to the privileges availed by the upper castes.

Journalists caught inventing incidents and data around caste atrocity ahead of elections

Indian media's new project: Break India around castes

New narrative is being shaped up as Uttar Pradesh elections are nearing

With UP election round the corner, media is expected to push their Dalit and Muslim propaganda.

Journalists and media spread caste hatred by spreading fake news pitting Dalit vs Upper castes

Police ruled out caste angle in a case which was promoted by media as Dalits vs Upper caste

Rohith’s father blows the lid over his caste, says his son was “murdered”, attacks vulture politics

Massive twist to Rohit Vemula "Dalit" "Suicide" case as the father speaks up on various issues

A Patel writes about Reservations, Hardik Patel and Police Action

A criticism of the agitation and the way it is being handled

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