Sunday, December 22, 2024



HSBC acquires the UK arm of Silicon Valley Bank for a ‘symbolic’ 1 pound or Rs 99. Here is what we know so far

According to HSBC, SVB UK had a profit of £88m before tax for the financial year ending December 31 last year. It added that the bank had loans totalling £55 bn, deposits of around £7bn and tangible equity of around £1.4bn as of March 10, 2023.

London: Extinction Rebellion activists vandalize windows of HSBC bank protesting against fossil fuel financing, 9 arrested

Extinction Rebellion members broke windows of HSBC bank in London alleging that bank is financing coal power plants and mines

Indian money parked in Swiss banks hits all time low

The current amount in Swiss banks is even less than one-third of the amount reported in 2014.

The Indian Express HSBC #SwissLeaks list, More sensationalism less substance?

What does the Indian Express list say and how many of the people named could actually be criminals?

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