Sunday, September 8, 2024


india today

Congress Social Media team caught spreading photoshopped pics

A fake picture of a survey showing PM Modi in poor light was circulated on social media

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in October 2015

There have been 23 media lies in October 2015

#OnionScam in Delhi or a media hit job on AAP?

Arvind Kejirwal Govt's "first scam" seems to be more of a media hitjob

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in August 2015

Indian MSM has erred on 25 counts in August 2015

Media stoops to sexism in reporting Vasundhara case

A picture says a thousand words, and for media, words which they cannot otherwise say.

India Today group spins Shourie interview with Karan Thapar

Things which Arun Shourie never said get attributed to him by India Today

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