The SC has not stopped at just blaming one woman for violence and murder committed by religious fanatics in the name of Islam, it has also refused to grant any relief to Sharma and has rejected her application to transfer all FIRs against her to Delhi.
Hina Khan has drawn the wrath of radical Islamists on her social media account after she posted her picture in a monokini swimwear on the Abu Dhabi beach where she has currently been holidaying
What Nupur Sharma said was not said for the first time in history, but the kind of reaction it has been getting does raise suspicions that there is definitely more to it than what meets the eye.
Narendra Sriram on June 11 had changed his Whatsapp status story to support Nupur Sharma. Some of his Whatsapp friends responded furiously to the story and abused him for extending support to her.
The police arrested Kamlesh Tiwari's murderers and the law is taking its own course in this case as well. But what course did the law take about the 'Sar Tan Se Juda' mob? Did it take any action against it? No. It did not. This again underlines that the mob is more powerful than the State.
Geert Wilders, known for his vocal stand against Islamic ideology in The Netherlands, has stated that what Nupur Sharma stated about Prophet Muhammad is the truth and India should not apologise for it.