Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Islamist attack

Pakistani Islamists target Indian Cricketer Mohammed Shami for posting Diwali greetings

Pakistanis accused Mohammed Shami of being a fake Muslim for posting Diwali greetings

Six French airports evacuated following threats as country remains on high alert after Islamist attack on school

Earlier on 16th October, a teacher was stabbed to death in a school in northern France by an assailant shouting "Allahu Akbar".

After Islamist terror attack by Hamas on Israel, American landlord stabs 6-year-old Palestinian boy 26 times screaming ‘Muslims must die’

Following the widespread devastation that the Palestinian Islamist terror group Hamas inflicted upon Israel, the American landlord barged into the house of his tenant and launched a vicious attack on the mother-son duo, screaming "You Muslims must die"

Lessons from Hamas’ attack on Israel: The fake ‘Genocide of Muslims’ narrative in India will be used to justify Genocide of Hindus as ‘language...

As sirens blared, Islamic terrorists from Hamas attacked the bewildered civilians of Israel from air, sea and land

Iraqis storm Swedish embassy in Baghdad, set it on fire in protest against another planned burning of Quran in Sweden

Several protesters stormed the Swedish embassy in Baghdad and set it ablaze in a violent response to another planned burning of Quran

Jahangirpuri violence was a sequel to 2020 Delhi anti-CAA riots, stones and glass bottles were kept ready at terraces days ago: Police charge sheet

The Police said that it investigated the data of around 2300 phones to discover the links between the Jahangirpuri violence and the anti-CAA violence. Police added that Jahangirpuri violence was the sequel of the 2019 riots.

Sharia over Indian Constitution? Exodus of Hindus, ban on festivals, attack on procession, demeaning Hindu culture continues in Muslim-majority areas in India

Very slowly, but gradually, the Islamic law of Sharia is taking precedence over the constitution, especially in day to day working of minority Hindus who live there.

Norway: Iran origin man opens fire at Pride parade venue in Oslo killing 2 and injuring several, police call it an Islamist terror act

Iran origin Islamist terrorist opens fire at LGBTQ Pride parade venue in Oslo in Norway, arrested

Bihar: Islamists attack Lakshmi Narayan temple in Araria, vandalise ‘Sheshnag’ idol and hoist Islamic flag, case registered

Lakshmi Narayan temple in Rampur Kodarkatti in Araria in Bihar was vandalised by Islamists on Thursday

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