Sunday, December 22, 2024



Pro-Afzal and anti-BJP reporter resigns from Zee News, media paints him “neutral”

How media glorified a Pro-Afzal and anti-BJP reporter who resigned from Zee News as a neutral journalist

Yes Ravish Kumar, Indian media is indeed a dark place

Ravish Kumar's sanctimonious rant is hypocritical

‘Liberals’ demand National Flag be declared a dangerous weapon; file PIL in Supreme Court

Adarsh Liberals have today filed a PIL in the Supreme Court demanding the national flag be declared a dangerous weapon.

An open letter to Rajdeep “IAmAntiNational” Sardesai

Rajdeep's open letter is a desperate attempt at survival in media.

How ScoopWhoop uses all tricks in the trade to white-wash JNU incident

Has Scoopwhoop, which is essentially an Indian buzzfeed, plunged into news making and reporting now? From their latest video "Inside JNU - In search...

JNU issue: If sedition laws must go away, so should our blasphemy laws!

Is nation greater or religion for the "FoEktards"

Open Letter to JNUites from a Social Science Researcher of IIT

Discuss, debate, dissent but please, don’t be disloyal.

Why Indian media is against Arnab but India isn’t

Top journalists and commentators want 'boycott' of Arnab, but the people appear to be standing with him. Why?

Free Speech: Kamlesh Tiwari vs JNU

How can you support people like Umar Khalid who have links to Jaish?

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