Monday, November 25, 2024


left liberals

It is not vandalism that pains the leftists, it is seeing their mafia like control weaken

Demolition of Lenin's statue in Tripura has exposed many hateful leftists lurking around

Anand Ranganathan’s fate at Newslaundry is a living proof of O’Sullivan’s law

O Sullivan's law states 'All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing'

Columnist at Shekhar Gupta’s website who wanted Modi assassinated, deletes tweet

Not the first time a 'liberal' columnist has wished death upon the Prime Minister.

Anantkumar Hegde’s comments on constitutional amendments – a media manufactured controversy

The Government doesn't lose its powers based on the whims of the 'liberals'

Why we can do without the hypocrisy of Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson

When dynasty serving 'intellectuals' spread propaganda

What will it take for Congress to be described as an elitist and casteist organization?

The 'liberals' have given the political party such a long rope, that now it's becoming painfully sanctimonious.

When Professor Guha indicts others for sycophancy, irony dies a painful death

An intellectually dishonest 'historian' couldn't write any better

Left wing propagandists vs World Bank : Whom to believe?

It's not just the rejection of 'ease of doing business' ranking, there is a pattern in the propaganda.

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