Thursday, September 19, 2024


Propaganda by media

Former NDTV anchor Priyanshi Sharma spreads fake news about India on The Wire ironically while complaining about fake news: Details

When OpIndia checked the 'source' of her claim, we found huge discrepancies in the assertions made by Priyanshi Sharma about India topping the list of countries in fake information.

Ravish Kumar whitewashes Islamist violence in Haldwani, suggests Opposition to milk it during election and dubs courts as ‘communal’

Ravish Kumar was seen scaremongering about the media, Judiciary and the State apparatus to deviate public discourse from the role of Muslim mobs in fomenting violence and chaos in Haldwani.

BBC brazens out its anti-Ram Mandir propaganda peddled by Geeta Pandey, anti-Hindu ‘journalist’ who eulogised gangster Atiq Ahmed as ‘Robinhood’

BBC ignored the fact that a Ram Mandir existed underneath the disputed structure, which was constructed in the 16th century after destroying the ancient temple.

Newslaundry whitewashes Mira Road violence against Hindus, cries ‘majoritarianism’ while painting Islamists as victims and harbingers of reconciliation

The guilt-tripping did not end with painting Muslims as victims and Hindus as aggressors. 'Journalist' Manisha Pande went a step ahead and put the onus of 'inclusive behaviour' exclusively on the Hindu community.

Hamas supporting co-workers, promotion of Muslim Brotherhood agenda and more: Former Al Jazeera journalist exposes the propaganda of the Qatari State-owned channel

“When you work for their news channel, they need you to promote their Muslim Brotherhood agendas, and if you’re not there ideologically, they’ll make sure to buy you off," Adnan Al-Ameri remarked.

Did Washington Post repeat Pakistani conspiracy theory about ‘Disinfo Lab’? Copy-paste journalism, reliance on lunatic who wanted Mamata Banerjee raped, claims about ‘SkinDoctor’

Despite his questionable character and dwindling credibility, Aveek Sen's misleading tweets on 'Disinfo Lab' became the primary fodder for both 'Pakistani Defence' and 'The Washington Post'.

Washington Post and its hit job on ‘Disinfo Lab’: Exposing the nefarious campaign to discredit Indian OSINT handle before 2024 Lok Sabha election

Throughout the article, The Washington Post resorted to insinuations, and source-based allegations to discredit 'Disinfo Lab.' However, it failed to provide any empirical evidence that could dispute any claims of the Indian OSINT handle.

‘Rebel’ Washington Post reporter plans hitjob on Indian OSINT handle ‘Disinfo Lab’, gets exposed instead: What happened

Coincidentally, Pranshu Verma is now hounding the same Indian OSINT handle that uncovered the dubious nature of his news report earlier this year.

Elon Musk sues leftist NGO, which accused X of promoting Neo-Nazi content through manufactured images

In a tweet on 18th November, Elon Musk vowed to file a 'thermonuclear lawsuit' against the leftist NGO.

USA: Media again gears up to brand Trump as the devil, as court upholds his freedom of speech

The Economist conceded that Donald Trump is ahead of the incumbent US President Joe Biden by a large margin in the swing states.

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