Thursday, September 19, 2024



Journalism means never having to say you’re sorry – What has The Wire ended up proving about left-wing journalism

Most of those who are calling The Wire out today will likely side with them tomorrow on ideological narrative building, forgetting The Wire's history of shoddy reporting. That is 'liberal' privilege.

The Wire vs Meta: ‘Independent expert’ says they never sent the mail The Wire claims to have received and published as evidence

If an OTT series is not made on this absurdity to show how The Wire got taken for a ride, our team here would be really disappointed.

How Left Media and ‘journalists’ rallied to save The Wire after it published a hoax in an attempt to implicate Amit Malviya

The Wire threw the burden of proof under the rug and stepped away from the controversy after leaving so many lose ends

The Wire vs Meta – All you need to know about the controversy

We break down the ups and downs and back and forth in the Meta vs The Wire saga that has been going on for over a week now.

‘Satire’ account The Wire based its story on, now claims they did not blame Malviya, throws The Wire reporter under the bus

The Wire's first source of the reports against Meta said they did not blame Malviya as it was Wire's reporter Sen who claimed his alleged involvement.

The Wire reveals one of their reporters had personal relationship with Meta ‘insider’ over hoax story regarding Amit Malviya and his superpowers

To put things in perspective, Meta has dismissed all allegations by The Wire and said that the 'evidences' provided were fabricated.

Meta says ‘evidence’ provided by The Wire is manufactured, spoof video used to ‘prove’ their theory

What The Wire was passing off as 'Instagram' dashboard turned out to be a free trial Workspace account created on 13 October, much after the stories were published in the propaganda site.

The Wire now claims its secure encrypted email account was hacked by hacking of a MacBook, netizens continue to disbelieve

Siddharth Varadarajan rushed to Twitter again to reveal that The Wire's protonmail account had been hacked.

The Wire claims email account of their ‘tech expert’ working on Meta story is hacked, gets mocked by netizens for their tech expertise

This claim has come after Meta’s assertation that an alleged expose by the leftist portal 'The Wire' was based on fabricated evidence.

The Wire ties itself in knots as tech experts call out their photoshopped screenshots of ’emails’ to target Meta and BJP

The Wire has been accused of fabricating screenshots of emails for the latest report targeting Meta and BJP

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