Friday, October 18, 2024


North India

Mumbai Congress demands reservation for North Indian backward communities in Maharastra

Sanjay Nirupam has asked for a uniform law to recognise the backward communities throughout the country.

Doctor who volunteered in Kerala for flood relief gets abused for merely stating his observation

Thadani was in Kerala helping the flood relief operations

If North India is a burden on the South, India’s Muslims are a burden on Hindus?

The question before the wider Indian populace is whether we share the two prime objectives that our liberals want to push on us

The Nazi-like Anti-Brahmin propaganda in some sections of Tamil literature

Anti-Brahmin bigotry is quite acceptable in Indian intellectual circles.

How prudent is the idea of ‘Dravida Nadu’?

The demand for Dravida Nadu is not based on logically sound planning or thoughts.

Dr Ambedkar rejected Aryan Invasion Theory with facts and logic

BR Ambedkar didn't buy the Aryan Invasion Theory

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