Sunday, September 8, 2024


Prime Minister Modi

Did the govt threaten to stop supply of petroleum if the PM’s photo is not displayed in petrol pumps?

In all, this report by The Hindu certainly raises serious suspicions over the authenticity of the purported diktat by the Modi govt

Dilute Ram, preserve Nehru: How Congress’ position on Teen Murti exposes the party’s idea of heritage

Why else would they think history and heritage are being undermined if the memory of PMs other than Nehru get the place they deserve?

India Today invents a lie by Postcard News in order to fact check it

India Today is trying to fetch yet another badge of honour for concocting false narratives

The Quint gives a horrid twist to Modi’s gift of cows to Rwanda

A call for his lynching is made in the name of “just laughs.” Shias, meanwhile, are no Muslims in their eyes.

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