Sunday, September 8, 2024



Dear Ravish Kumar, right is not winning narrative, it has just started speaking up

Ravish Kumar justified that the left was better than the right, but then puts very superfluous arguments to support his point.

2014, the year ‘liberals’ lost their marbles

It was just another year, it was just another elections, but the "liberals" lost their marbles, because things didn't turn out the way they wanted.

Pro-ISIS Indian Muslim starts getting support from the liberal crowd

Modus operandi is similar to the one adopted in Ishrat Jahan case, where a Lashkar affiliated terrorist was painted as innocent college going girl.

Times of India makes a Shia-Sunni riot appear like a Hindu-Muslim riot

Indian media is known to report communal violence in a way that Hindus always appear oppressors, but now they are aiming to reach new levels.

Manusmriti could be horrible, but these left-liberal liars are more horrible

How the so-called liberals fabricate facts to suit their agenda. This incident involving Kavita Krishnan and Anand Patwardhan proves it.

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