You are, in all probability one pro-Modi comment away from being ridiculed, bullied and even made an outcast just because you do not conform to their views.
When India gives a thumping, unprecedented, overwhelming victory to a man who has made every single Indian feel proud of their nation and heritage, the NYT's heartburn is expected.
Hundreds of innocents have lost their lives in bombings in Sri Lanka. And the global slander campaign against India could have led Sri Lankan officials to view Indian intelligence reports with suspicion.
While the Army, Navy and Airforce destroy the enemy on the border and they stand a post so you and I can sleep in peace, the question that we must ask ourselves is whether we are willing to identify these chronic deserters and make them irrelevant?
The ones criticising this statement by PM Modi wanted to insinuate that the PM is incorrect in saying that justice in such heinous rape cases has not started being delivered swiftly