Tuesday, September 17, 2024


rahul gandhi

Congress brings back Soft Hindutva

By embracing "soft hindutva", Congress is trying break the Hindu-Dalit-OBC coalition built by Modi in 2014. Will this tactic work?

Six excuses given by Congress and friends to save ‘sleeping’ Rahul Gandhi

Congress must plan and coordinate the excuses

Kirit Somaiyya opens up another link which leads from Agusta Westland to Rahul Gandhi

Will this link from Agusta Westland to the Gandhi's lead to any criminal findings?

Emaar MGF, Gandhis, Tea Estates, Dehradun and a sweet deal gone sour

In 10 years, this company in Uttarakhand would have sold land at 15x the price, but...

Reviving Indian Textbooks: The Gandhi Parivar files

Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi, all find a mention in India's school books. Catching them young?

An open letter to Rahul Gandhi from an Indian

Rahul Gandhi must face some tough questions

Rohith’s father blows the lid over his caste, says his son was “murdered”, attacks vulture politics

Massive twist to Rohit Vemula "Dalit" "Suicide" case as the father speaks up on various issues

Rahul Gandhi’s comeback: Fail speech and inconvenience to Mumbaikars

Rahul Gandhi inconveniences Mumbaikars on his comeback

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