Thursday, September 19, 2024


rahul gandhi

Rohith’s father blows the lid over his caste, says his son was “murdered”, attacks vulture politics

Massive twist to Rohit Vemula "Dalit" "Suicide" case as the father speaks up on various issues

Rahul Gandhi’s comeback: Fail speech and inconvenience to Mumbaikars

Rahul Gandhi inconveniences Mumbaikars on his comeback

Modi’s clothing subjected to another hit-job by Indian media

Indian media: reporting on banalities and that too without accuracy

Sorry Rahul Gandhi, the various claims about your whereabouts don’t add up

Rahul Gandhi is missing and his alibi doesn't seem to hold ground

Don’t rejoice so soon Gandhis, contrary to MSM reports, the National Herald case is still on

The mainstream media is desperate to give a "Huge relief" to Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, but that's not what the reality is.

Will this issue be the next OROP for BJP?

The mess that Congress has made in earstwhile Andhra Pradesh can be another OROP for BJP

Why Rahul Gandhi version 1.5 might cost the Congress dearly

Will Rahul Gandhi shift his ideology to the economic left or will he move to the economic right?

Deja Alu: Rahul Gandhi is repeating the same tricks expecting a different result

Rahul Gandhi is trying the same stunts every year expecting a different result

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