Sunday, September 8, 2024



India Today lies and twists statement by a ‘dara hua witness’ to attack Republic TV with claims the witness never made

Sahil Joshi, was heard talking to Tejal Solanki, the same witness who had given a sound byte to Republic TV yesterday implicating India Today in the fake TRP scam.

Media forgets Dalit victim in Hathras to pursue TRP blame game

Keep in mind. These cheap TRP battles wiped the Hathras case off our screens. This is how much the great humanitarians in media care for the people.

Lies of Mumbai Police Commissioner exposed, the FIR filed in the TRP scam case names India Today, not Republic TV

The FIR says that 5 panel homes were paid to watch India Today for 2 hours per day, not Republic TV as alleged by Mumbai police commissioner

‘Param Bir Singh is scared about truth coming out’: Republic TV to file defamation case against Mumbai police commissioner over ‘fake TRP racket’ allegations

Republic TV said that BARD has not named Republic TV in any report on TRP manipulations, and Mumbai police making false allegations

Mumbai Police commissioner says Republic TV used fake TRP data to gain No 1 spot, Arnab Goswami to be summoned

Mumbai police have summoned Republic TV promoters and directors for questioning, informed Param Bir Singh.

Doctor says Rajdeep Sardesai, Ashutosh, Raghav Bahl destroyed his life in a ‘fake sting operation’

The doctor was called ‘Shaitan Doctor’ in a sting operation aired by news channel IBN7 in 2006

Doordarshan receives a record 38 million viewership during the Republic Day parade

Doordarshan witnessed very positive numbers on 26th January

Why Barkha Dutt is attacking Arnab Goswami? The reasons go beyond TRPs

The tirade against Arnab Goswami by Barkha Dutt has many layers to it. TRPs, ego, and ideology to name a few.

Ashok Chakradhar hits out at award returnees, asks them to see through TRP game and politics

Chakradhar has questioned the wisdom of those who are taking this route to protest against the claimed issues of tolerance and free speech.

Angry Nepalese trend #GoHomeIndianMedia to protest against insensitive coverage of earthquake

Fed up with sensationalist and insensitive reporting by the Indian media, citizens of Nepal took to Twitter to express their anger.

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