Sunday, September 8, 2024



China forcing mass abortions and sterilization on Uighur Muslims is a stain of the century: US secretary of state Mike Pompeo

China regularly subjects minority women to pregnancy checks, forces intrauterine devices, sterilisation and even abortion

While Kashmiri Islamists cheer for China, Uighur Muslims face ‘demographic genocide’, birth rates fall by 60% in 3 years: Reports

While the repression of Uighurs Muslims in Xinjiang in China is well known, Islamists in Kashmir were recently spotted cheering for the PLA during the ongoing Indo-China conflict.

Trump signs Uighur bill, USA can now identify and sanction Chinese officials responsible for human rights violations in Xinjiang camps

Donald Trump has signed a bill into law that will make the USA government identify and sanction Chinese government officials responsible for human rights violations in Uighur camps in Xinjiang province.

United States blacklists dozens of Chinese entities on the allegations of human right violations and military offences

US said that organizations which are blacklisted represent a significant risk of supporting the procurement of items for military end-use in China.

US Senate passes Uyghur Bill to sanction China amidst deteriorating diplomatic relations

As the diplomatic relation between Beijing and Washington sour, the US Senate has passed a legislation to sanction China for its inhuman and discriminatory treatment of its Uyghur minority population

Mesut Ozil, suffering horrible form at Arsenal, rakes up controversy with comments on China and ‘East Turkestan’

The message fro Mesut Ozil was written in a background of blue with a white crescent moon, the colours of Uyghur Separatists who call the region 'East Turkestan'.

Chinese social media giant TikTok bans user for highlighting the plight of Uighur Muslims in China

TikTok is owned by a Chinese company called ByteDance which is often touted to be the world’s most valuable start-up.

“Pair up and Become Family”: China forces Uyghur Muslim women to sleep with govt officials to ‘promote ethnic unity’

China makes Han Males sleep with Uyghur Muslim women whose husbands are locked in 'reeducation camps'

Satellite images show that China is building car parks, commercial complexes and playgrounds over Uighur Muslim graveyards

China’s persecution of Uighur Muslims continues, now graveyards turned into car parks and amusement parks

USA starts imposing visa bans on Chinese officials tied to mass detention of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang

The Donald Trump administration has started imposing Visa ban on the Chinese officials who are involved in the mass detention and repression of Uighur Muslims and other minority Muslim groups in China and especially, in Xinjiang

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