Tuesday, September 17, 2024



The Swastika in Charlottesville: the symbol needs to be reclaimed from Nazis

This article elaborates upon the Indic perspective regarding the 'Swastika Controversy' in the Western world.

Rahul Gandhi to be sent on worldwide study tours for learning new technologies and ideas

These tours also involve him expanding his thoughts about Artificial Intelligence

Is toppling of a Confederate statue in the US different from demolishing Babri Masjid?

What distinction is between those cheering the pulling down of North Carolina statue and those who chanted 'Ek dhakka aur do'?

Amazon India sends a Bible, even though customer never ordered one

Amazon customer Yogini Deshpande was shocked to see a Bible being delivered while she had ordered another book.

What could be Pakistan’s response to the deepening India-Israel friendship?

An analysis of what Pakistan might try to do now, and whether it may succeed in its designs.

India becomes the 11th country to be extended the expedited entry facility by the US

Eligible Indian travelers won't have to stand in long queues to get themselves approved by an immigration officer.

Pakistan feels humiliated after being completely ignored during Trump’s Islamic Summit

Pakistan didn't quite get what it was hoping for at the summit, and they are not hiding the disappointment.

Tulsi Gabbard, first Hindu lawmaker in US, blasts CNN for negative portrayal of Hinduism

CNN has been accused of disgusting portrayal of Hindus through its new series ‘Believer’.

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